Why is the Slitting Machine Rewind Edge not Even?

If the machine you use is our RJ-C 1300/1600 center rewinding slitting machine, please check the following tips:

Problem 1: The web guiding adjustment needs to be corrected. 

Solution: Please go to the blog  https://doinmc-machinery.com/how-to-use-n180-web-guiding-system/

Problem 2: The traction rubber roller slipping.

Solution: On one hand, the air cylinder work pressure should be even. If one side’s power is much bigger than the other side, the paper will slip when running at high speed. Then the rewind edge surface will be left and right. (Not even)

On the other hand, the press depth shown also is the same. Suppose the rubber roller is clipped well. The circle point distance should be 3mm.

Problem 3: Air leakage in the rewind air shaft after extended use.

Solution: Please change to a new air shaft. Or change the rubber bladder inside the air shaft.

Problem 4: The slitting paper is exceptional—light thickness with double side coating or film laminating paper roll.

Solution: If you are working on this paper roll type, please slow the running speed (less than 200m/min). The rewind edge will be neater.

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